How did this year their sales targets?
Have you written your goals?
Often they have to review and revise the conditions have changed? Or is it that puts them at the beginning of the year, February and forget?
What do you want more this next year?
The first and most basic step to getting what you want is knowing what it is, and always remember that. Goal setting is an important skill. What you may have read many times before speaking and listening. It only works if you do.
The goals and motives Information
Begin with the end in mind. What is the desired outcome? Give yourself the freedom to think big. Imagine a large compelling purpose that you really, really want. Well consider this, how you get there is not important at this time. The important thing is to start, think big about what it is you want most. Subsequently, we discuss how you achieved. Your focus should be on what you want.
Sales targets should be expressed in a way that forces us to achieve them. The human brain leads to the creation of what we focus on, good or bad. Start by writing down your goal. The more you do your best goal. Create an image in your mind and write down the amounts, dates or periods, places, people, etc.
Now that the image of your goal really convincing. Make the color, add sounds, feelings, sensations and movement to it. Find or make a picture of him and carry in your pocket, purse or daytimer or highlight on your office wall, bedroom, or bathroom. Use a symbol or icon of the lens that are constantly reminded of what you are looking for.
Now that you know what you want, it's time to get clear on * why * you want. Why are your wishes on the drive that will make you get what you want. Get great sufficient reason, and you can accomplish anything.
Let me give you an example. Say you want a great six figure income, bold this year. This is the purpose of the sale - a large six figure income, fat. But this really is not accurate enough. So refine and say you want to make $ 300,000.00 in revenue this year. Well, now your goal is specific and timely.
What are your reasons for wanting this? To do this, you might say that you feel more powerful, successful and capable. Or you say you will be able to afford a good home for your family, education for their children, and financial independence at an early age.
These are reasons a person. Much more exciting to do a number.
Goal setting alone is more than most people make in life. If you write your goals and check frequently, you are well on your way to achieving what you want. But when the barriers start to come out and get in your way, you have the real drive and determination to continue and not give up. Identify and write down your reasons for wanting your goals will give you the training and experience necessary to achieve power.
Write down your sales goals, be timely and specific. Write down your reasons for wanting your goals. Get pictures, symbols or icons that can be carried everywhere with you to remind you constantly post what you want and why.