My body works. At the moment anyway. I wake up every morning to breathe normally without hesitation roll out of bed with relative ease, without even really thinking, and I start my day. In general, this is what it is for me most of the time. And sometimes I feel guilty about it.
Do not misunderstand me, I love it! I am of average height, slightly overweight (28.5% body fat) and moderately active. I started walking again after a long break and I got about 10 miles per week. My work often requires a walk if that helps. One day, despite the noise right knee sometimes former baseball player in me convinced me that I could still have. So here I am buying a pair of comfortable shoes and colorful to be fair when I hit the gym, which I did. One time. As I watched the young are constantly at breakneck speed and in the yard all kinds of potential injuries come to mind. Memories of sprains and jammed fingers, painful memories of long recoveries and, finally, the idea of a possible loss of income ... I came to my senses slowly.
On the eve of my sixty years on the planet I feel good. But you know people. People who are not well and many of those who have passed. High blood pressure, heart relays, dialysis, cancer and stroke, health problems known to people my age. When I meet my friends who have not seen me for a moment the look of shock on their faces that records are authentic. "You really look good," often says, recalling the old Billy Crystal comedy shtick, "you look Mauves!" I understand the subtle meaning behind his words.
I can not paint a completely wrong picture let me be clear. Mysterious unexplained pain often pop periodically from the knee to above the offer and sometimes strained Achilles playing a basketball game a few years ago with the neighborhood kids, other painful minor warnings.
A strange melancholy descended upon me when my cousin, one at home that keeps me informed of our old friends and classmates, informs me that such and such is not doing so well or drilled. Especially when it is someone we consider "good one." An old friend called me recently. As we approached the subjects of children affairs, reminded me inadvertently, others apparently have registered before their time. I sometimes wonder when I complete one of these forms of health, you know, the list of all your medical conditions such lists. What really deserve to be as good health or even life, while other physical or mental struggling to make it through the day?
Of course, not all health problems are due to lack of knowledge or behavior tend to exhibit invincibility until we become enlightened many thirty. No, there are many hidden factors and forces outside our control. Medicine does not yet know what causes most cancers, they are not unpredictable terrible diseases such as diabetes and hypertension that occur frequently due to family history.
But what about cigarette smoking and overeating or living the life of a couch potato. Should I feel guilty that friends and acquaintances have abused their bodies, ignored the signs or were just unlucky. I know I should not, but sometimes I do.