Weight Exercises for Women Some of the best weight exercises for women are squats, lunges, deadlines, bench press, bicep curls, etc., as it not only helps burn fat, but also help tone the body . This article helps you with it. It is a common myth that weight exercises make the muscular and virile women, however this training will strengthen the muscles and help fat loss. Target specific muscle groups with it will also give you the figure you want. Many women experience problems flabby arms and thighs of proportion. These areas can be easily targeted to specific routines of leg and arm training. One of the best ways to tighten skin and stimulate fat loss is weight training. Just remember a few things before starting to exercise, plan your exercise routine, eating right and getting enough rest. Another thing to consider is to do a warm up routine 5-7 minutes before starting this training, and do some stretching exercises after you finish exercising. Start with five days of the training routine of the week, if you want to lose weight and get an enviable figure. To start off with exercises that stimulate the muscles of the upper body such as the chest, shoulders and triceps. Start the routine with decline bench press: Lie on a decline bench with your feet on the ground and dumbbells in both hands. Push the dumbbells up to fully extend the arms to the chest and back slowly. Make at least 2-3 sets with 15-12-10 repetitions, this is one of the best for the muscles of the upper body. Incline Bench Press: adequate rest on an incline dumbbell in both hands flat bench. Now push the dumbbells up and away from your chest as you exhale, extend your arms completely and then inhale and slowly return. Have at least 2-3 sets with 15-12-10 repetitions. Over Head Press: Stand straight with feet hip-width and weights in both hands, now push the weight in the head, extending his arms. Exhale as you go up and inhale as you bend your elbows and bring the weight up to ear level. Do 1-2 sets of 12-10 repetitions. Lateral Raises: In support routine with your feet hip width and your hands on the side with dumbbell in each hand. Now, exhale and lift both hands in his face so that your arms are parallel to floor. Do 1-2 sets of 12-10 repetitions. Triceps Extension: This is one of the best cable machines exercises to tone arms, enter the liver in the cable machine with your palms down. Now pull the liver to the thighs, keeping your elbows close to body. Do 2-3 sets with reps 12-10-8. For two days, do 40-50 minutes of cardiac, and if you can not maintain for so long then increase slowly to reach this goal. Stand next to a bar with your feet hip width, bend your knees slightly and bend forward from the waist to grab the bar with your hands placed shoulder width: Deadweight. Now raise the bar by extending hips and arms without bending or arching your back. Once you are standing upright, slightly bend your knees and hips down until your torso is parallel to floor. Do 1-2 sets of 12-10 reps, which is good for weight loss. Drop Lat: Grasp the bar slightly wider on the lat machine shoulder width down. Keep your back arched and chest and look straight ahead. Now, exhale and pull the bar down by bending your elbows and raise the bar to the chest. Do 2-3 sets of 12-10-8 reps. Biceps curl: For bicep curls, Stand up straight and take a little wider than shoulder width apart with your palms facing the bar. Keep your elbows close to the body and relax the shoulder bar, get as far as possible and note 1. Then slowly let the bar down so that it rests almost thighs. Do 2-3 sets of 12-10-8 reps. Concentration Curls: Sit on a bench and place your feet shoulder width apart. Take a dumbbell in your right hand and upper right hand against the inside of the arm of the right thigh. Now, relax your right arm by contracting the biceps and pull the dumbbell as far as possible and hold for 1 account. Repeat with the left arm, tone your arms do 2-3 sets of 12-10-8 reps. To monitor them, do cardiac routine 20 minutes and 30 minutes of abdominal exercises on the fourth day. This will help strengthen the core muscles and tone your waist and stomach area. Continue this five-day training for the lower body. Squats: Place your shoulders under the bar in squat rack and step back. Keep your feet apart, push your hips back and bending at the knees. Make sure your knees do not go to the front of the line and walk down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do 1-2 sets with 12-10 repetitions. This is one of the best for toning the lower body. Slots: put your shoulders under the squat rack bar, picked up, and step back. Keep your feet hip width and lift your right leg and take a big step forward. Now bend your knees and down to the right thigh is parallel to the ground and the left leg is perpendicular to the ground. Then dig your right heel on the floor and return to the starting position. Do 10-12 reps, then repeat with the left leg, do 1-2 sets. You can follow this exercise 5 days or working each body part individually and do 12-20 minutes of cardiac each day to work 6 days. You can also try at home using body weight. Some of them are: Pull Ups Push Ups Free squats triceps exercises with the support of a good diet plan will help you get that lean figure you've always wanted. Weight training will strengthen your muscles and also give you a sense of wellbeing. It is always best to consult your doctor before starting a weight training or diet regimen.