Health Extension: Change the way you deal with to get healthy

It seems that enough time almost all things in life will change. If they change their appearance, change the value, or simply change the definition. And if they are past adolescence, you know very well. That depends on how far beyond their years teenager you are, your level of firsthand experience may vary. But most people who have done their teenage years, however, lived long enough to see a lot of change in the world. Whether in fashion, music and entertainment. You've probably seen a lot of changes in the health sector as well when it comes to how we sound. Richard Simmons Jenny Craig. In recent years, there has been another change in the health sector. Particularly in the area of ​​how people continue to get healthy. 

This change is stimulated by a variety of factors. Not limited to, but including a growing field coaches. And we're not talking about coaches who teach football and soccer weekend his son, but a different kind of coach called a health coach. A coach who does much more than teach the proper technique for the bench press or the right to eat food all day. These health coaches teach their clients how to set goals, identify your values​​, and most important of all to change their behavior. After all, the reality is that our behavior (choice) are directly related to our overall health. If our behavior is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle, then we are reaping the consequences. Conversely, if our behavior is wise and intelligent when it comes to things that affect our health, then we will reap the fruits of these positive behaviors. 

The problem is that many people do not know how to change their behavior. They may succeed for a time, but inevitably fall back into the same routine they were before. Or just do not know how to stay motivated and after a few weeks or months, are back to square one. Gymnastics Clubs see this happens every year in January. People make New Year's resolutions to get healthy and start very motivated. Therefore Gym are always very busy in the month of January. But in a short time that the momentum is exhausted and go to the gym. And many times it is not for lack of desire to be healthier, but could probably be better attributed to lack of knowledge they have to know how to change the behaviors that prevent them to be healthier. This is where the health coach comes in. 

Health Coaches are changing the way people get health by providing the knowledge and the ability to change their behavior. And not come in the form of theoretical and knowledge you might think, but comes in the form of helping the person understand his internal thought process and the promotion of positive thinking which in turn generates motivation. That motivation then using behavior changes persist, not only for a short period of time, but permanently. With the end result is a person who is equipped with the knowledge and motivation to maintain healthy behaviors and not just be a member of a gym to another new year resolution that expires in a few weeks.


Written by Mohamed Ali

Hi! I'm Mohamed Ali Part time Blogger, young entrepreneur and student. I help people in building a profitable live easily. You can connect on Facebook.