The DOS The Don'ts in to similar products

Not understand the difference between marketing and sales, marketing to promote their products or services, raise awareness and provide opportunities for the sales process to begin. Marketing is an essential precursor to the sales process , but must be considered a separate and distinct process, which ends when the business side takes over. Of course , in some cases, for example, some tulle- sales operations , marketing and sales are made by the same people , no apparent distinction between the two , but the marketing has been successful if a sales presentation can be performed , whether or not this presentation results in a successful sale.

Do not overlook the importance of old and new means of communication. Traditional media such as direct mail , newspapers and magazines , while expensive, can still take place , provided they are well targeted. Of course , the design of web site optimization and search engines effectively is essential, since the growth of digital sales will increase exponentially in the coming years. Whatever your industry involved in it is essential that your message has been standardized across all media , with similar products and offers available on all platforms.

Do your research . The consumer public is becoming more sophisticated and there is no need to offer products and services that simply do not have a market, and be aware that the market is constantly changing , sometimes slowly and sometimes , especially in the field of sales technology extremely fast. The collapse of Blockbuster UK became inevitable when the request for physical movie rental DVD disappeared when it became possible to download the same movie.

Never try to cheat . Fortunately , the days of high-pressure sales prospects confusion with extravagant claims , and in some cases , downright lies are coming to an end . Google 's ability to verify facts and customers to investigate the opinions of their previous clients mean you should not make any claims that can not be justified .

Always be professional tested. The level of their appearance should reflect the image that you need to spend , and of course the old adage "you never get a second chance to make a first impression " is still valid. The level of your intelligence should depend on what is expected of you , of course , if you sell products to farmers , they will not expect an expensive suit Training , but if your sales presentation is the CEO of a large company , no doubt. The only exception to this might be if you sell certain aspects of complex technology and can create the impression of a little temperamental genius.

Not sure what you're talking about. You do not have to be the expert on your product or service, but it would be good as you are, but you must realize two things you must earn respect from your perspective and you need to convey that you know much more about the product or service .

Still emphasizing the benefits . Your product or service may have a long list of features, but the reality is that the customer buys the benefits of these features provide , not the features themselves. If you have trouble remembering to emphasize the benefits of each option is only used to say " which means " after each feature, which leads naturally to the advantage . If you can not say something sounds like a benefit to your prospect , it is useless to talk to them about the function Training.

Do not be afraid of the price. You should focus on value not price. There are many vendors that make a strong presentation , sure, but offer a lower price , half trembling . How do you want your prospect believes that its products are a good value if you do not? If you sell a product prices high quality , stress is not the total price, but only the difference in price between the bid and the cheaper alternative , with the additional benefits it brings Training.
How to do Training?


Written by Mohamed Ali

Hi! I'm Mohamed Ali Part time Blogger, young entrepreneur and student. I help people in building a profitable live easily. You can connect on Facebook.