Sales of recession and self-reflection

Are improvement in sales or are flat ? You measure that by observing its increase (or decrease slightly) in sales compared to last years numbers . To do this you must specifically consider the economic increases , increases his market and inflation . In other words, do not fool yourself saying, "I have had an increase of 8 % last year , " when the market index business improved by 5 % and the company has been a 4% increase in prices. Considering inflation from one year to another , they are actually doing worse than last year at this stage training.

"It's the economy , stupid ! " We Remember the line Well, it works here . When we boast and pats on the back wrong , we're wrong ? Certainly not our sales manager , general manager or business owner . What is needed to deal with the facts of your sales improvement may not be as big as you be playing training ?

Why am I was picking on you? If I hurt your feelings - I'm sorry, but if you're still reading this , chances are you are looking for some ideas on how to do a little better. Maybe you've done a great job to even subtract inflation, rising prices and accelerating market that still show a significant sales increase production . However, if you are one of those people who feel no matter what you do - you can always do better. Congratulations to you! With this attitude , you will continue to improve training.


My " style " does not include a lot of food ( in case you can not tell) . So the best way to get an accurate assessment is to do it yourself. (Do not look to me to help you because I hurt your feelings. ) Ask yourself the following questions :

I set aside specific times of the week to prospect for new business?
Dating to penetrate new markets or I'm stuck and locked in "old friends" that are comfortable to wear ?
When I ask existing customers I can show the potential for further growth of internal corporate customer value of my company?
I asked a reference to each visit to my current clients ?
Should I get a good chance that said " no" for a reference ?
On the occasion of you, assess your performance in each question more in a scale of 1 -20 . Add all questions.

If you scored below 75 , you need to change your behavior and stop deceiving you. You could do a lot better than you are.

Seventeen Character Advisory Group is a development company based in Manhattan that offers solutions sales , management and customer service training for growing businesses . Using the proven methods that couples Candler Sales System to business impersonating , managers and sales professionals seeking to improve productivity to meet business challenges


Written by Mohamed Ali

Hi! I'm Mohamed Ali Part time Blogger, young entrepreneur and student. I help people in building a profitable live easily. You can connect on Facebook.